New Immigration and Asylum Practice Direction New Immigration and Asylum Practice Direction

New Immigration and Asylum Practice Direction

The new Practice Direction of the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of the First Tier Tribunal came into force on 1 November 2024. The Practice Direction...
Kay Linnell awarded OBE in New Year Honours List Kay Linnell awarded OBE in New Year Honours List

Kay Linnell awarded OBE in New Year Honours List

Dr Linnell received the award for services to Justice.
A fundamentally dishonest claimant A fundamentally dishonest claimant

A fundamentally dishonest claimant

This case concerns a fundamentally dishonest claimant. The judge held that the experts in the case were reliant on self-reporting by the claimant, who...
Day in the Life of a Financial Expert Day in the Life of a Financial Expert

Day in the Life of a Financial Expert

Uwe Wystup is a practitioner in the field of foreign exchange options, as well as a senior academic, trainer, and judge. He is the founder of...

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The Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry and the importance of Expert Witness training

The Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry and the importance of Expert Witness training

Gareth Jenkins gave evidence to the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry from 25 to 28 June on the expert evidence he provided on the Horizon IT system. Mr Jenkins told the Inquiry that he had been unaware of his duties as an Expert Witness and had not been offered any training to support his role. The EWI offers comprehensive training on the core competencies of an Expert Witness. We urge policy and rule makers, and the judiciary, to consider how to ensure that Expert Witnesses fully understand their duties and know how to apply them.  

R v Valdo Calocane, The Crown Court at Nottingham, 25 January 2024, unreported
Case Updates

R v Valdo Calocane, The Crown Court at Nottingham, 25 January 2024, unreported

The case of Valdo Calocane, convicted of diminished responsibility manslaughter, has brought to the public’s attention the role of expert psychiatric witnesses in cases of alleged murder. The case raises a number of issues about the role of expert witnesses in criminal proceedings, mental condition defences and the meaning of public interest.

An expert who oversteps their role puts their evidence at risk
Case Updates

An expert who oversteps their role puts their evidence at risk

An expert who does not understand their duty to be independent, and oversteps their role, risks the court either refusing to admit their evidence or placing less weight upon it. 

Ryan Castellucci, R (on the application of) v Gender Recognition Panel [2024] EWHC 54 (Admin)

Experts making the evidence fit their own conclusions do not meet their duty to the Court
Case Updates

Experts making the evidence fit their own conclusions do not meet their duty to the Court

A medical expert witness was not helping the Court by trying to make the evidence about a child's injuries fit their own conclusions. 

LCC v V & B [2023] EWFC 268 (18 August 2023)

Admissibility or weight: what is the test for expert evidence?

Admissibility or weight: what is the test for expert evidence?

In an exceptional case, as here, where the expert singularly and spectacularly fails in their duties to the court, expert evidence may be deemed inadmissible and never get to the stage of being tested for weight.