11 July Case Updates GA v EL [2023] EWFC 187 Single joint expert, 11. Report Writing, 09. Being instructed as a Single Joint Expert, 12. Responding to questions, 13. Experts Discussions and Joint Statements, Daniels v. Walker After considering the report from the Single Joint Expert, the Wife in financial remedy proceedings attempted unsuccessfully to make a Daniels v Walker application to adduce evidence from her solely instructed expert. The judge set out the law on Daniels v Walker before applying it to the specifics of the case.
27 June Case Updates G (A Child: Care Order) (Complex Developmental Needs) (No.2) [2023] EWFC 218 (B) Single joint expert, 15. Giving Oral Evidence, 16. Criticism and Complaints, Family Procedure Rules, FPR, Expert anonymity, Parenting capacity, remote attendance, Independent social worker, CVP An expert must read and engage with any judgments which form part of their instructions.
10 May Case Updates O v O [2023] EWFC 161 Expert evidence, Single joint expert, Questions to expert, Chartered Building Surveyor, 09. Being instructed as a Single Joint Expert, 12. Responding to questions A Single Joint Expert caused difficulties by an unwise pre-hearing exchange with one of the parties in the absence of the other party, and legal representatives.
15 February Case Updates The direction of a Single Joint Expert should be the default position in the Family Court Single joint expert, Family Law, family court, 06. Rules and Regulations, 09. Being instructed as a Single Joint Expert In BR v BR [2024] EWFC 11, Mr Justice Peel concludes that the direction of a Single Joint Expert is the default position in the Family Court and there is a high bar to persuade the court to give permission for two or more experts to be solely instructed.