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G (A Child: Care Order) (Complex Developmental Needs) (No.2) [2023] EWFC 218 (B)
Keith Rix 692

G (A Child: Care Order) (Complex Developmental Needs) (No.2) [2023] EWFC 218 (B)

byKeith Rix

Giving evidence by CVP is never easy”

The case

G. He was 11 years old. The local authority applied for a care order. Judgment was delivered and published following an earlier hearing G (A Child: Care Order) (Complex Developmental Needs) (No.1) [2023] EWFC 168 ("the No.1 judgment"). On 12 May 2023 the judge ordered:

"No expert shall give evidence at the adjourned hearing unless they have first been asked written questions in accordance with this order."


"Written questions must be sent to (Dr A) within three days of the report being received."

Two days before the hearing on 30 August 2023 There were no written questions or answers to written questions in the hearing bundle. This was due to a genuine oversight.

The issues were as follows:

(a) Is an adjournment of this final hearing required?

(b) Is assessment of G by placement in his parents' care necessary?

(c) What are the realistic welfare options for G's future?

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