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The Cahill v Seepersad [2023] IEHC 583
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The Cahill v Seepersad [2023] IEHC 583

The cout found that a financial expert's report was inadmissible as evidence because he was not properly independent or objective, while very little weight could be attributed to the report of an employment expert because he lacked expertise in the area in which he purported to give expert evidence. 

Expert witnesses must not act as advocates for the party instructing them
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Expert witnesses must not act as advocates for the party instructing them

An expert witness must be careful not to step over the boundary between being an independent expert and an advocate for the party instructing them.

Balachandra v The General Dental Council [2024] EWHC 18 (Admin) (10 January 2024)

Experts making the evidence fit their own conclusions do not meet their duty to the Court
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Experts making the evidence fit their own conclusions do not meet their duty to the Court

A medical expert witness was not helping the Court by trying to make the evidence about a child's injuries fit their own conclusions. 

LCC v V & B [2023] EWFC 268 (18 August 2023)