13 June Case Updates Pal v Damen [2022] EWHC 4697 (QB) 10. Report Writing Topics: Procedural rules Range of opinion Reasoning
13 June Case Updates M (A Child : Private Law Children Proceedings: Case Management: Intimate Images) [2022] EWHC 986 (Fam) Psychology, Psychiatry, 06. Receiving Instructions, 07. Working with Instructing Parties Topics: Complex post-traumatic stress disorder Vulnerable persons/witnesses Ground rules hearing Intermediary
13 June Case Updates Mathieu v Hinds [2022] EWHC 924 (QB) Psychology, Psychiatry, 10. Report Writing Topics: Traumatic brain injury Dementia
10 June Case Updates Commscope Technologies LLC v SOLiD Technologies, Inc [2022] EWHC 769 (Pat) Patent cases, 14. Giving Oral Evidence Topics: Qualifications and experience The man of ordinary skill
10 June Case Updates North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group v E (Covid Vaccination) [2022] EWCOP 15 05. Rules and Regulations, 10. Report Writing Topics: Experts’ duties
10 June Case Updates B (A Child), Re (Adequacy of Reasons) [2022] EWCA Civ 407 14. Giving Oral Evidence, 15. Criticism and Complaints Topics: Expert evidence Reasons
10 June Case Updates HU027662019 [2022] UKAITUR HU027662019 (2 March 2022) Social work, 10. Report Writing Topics: Opinions outside expertise The basis of opinions References Opinions on legal matters Opinions on issues that are not issues before the court
10 June Case Updates Hughes v Pritchard [2022] EWCA Civ 386 Psychiatry, 05. Rules and Regulations Topics: Testamentary capacity
10 June Case Updates R v Keal [2022] EWCA Crim 341 Psychiatry, 05. Rules and Regulations Topics: Insanity defence M’Naghten Rules
10 June Case Updates Smith v Howard [2022] EWHC 562 (TCC) 01. Starting your Expert Witness Business, 14. Giving Oral Evidence, 15. Criticism and Complaints Topics: Experience as an expert