10 June Case Updates R v Keal [2022] EWCA Crim 341 Psychiatry, 06. Rules and Regulations Topics: Insanity defence M’Naghten Rules
10 June Case Updates Smith v Howard [2022] EWHC 562 (TCC) 01. Starting your Expert Witness Business, 15. Giving Oral Evidence, 16. Criticism and Complaints Topics: Experience as an expert
10 June Case Updates R v BRM [2022] EWCA Crim 385 Psychology, Psychiatry, 06. Rules and Regulations Topics: Asperger syndrome Intent Criminal Procedure Rules Part 19
10 June Case Updates Williams v Betsi Cadwaladr University Local Health Board [2022] EWHC 455 Psychiatry, 06. Rules and Regulations Topics: Negligence
10 June Case Updates O'Donnell v High Court of the Republic of Ireland [2022] EWHC 458 (Admin) Psychiatry, 06. Rules and Regulations Topics: Extradition Suicide risk
10 June Case Updates Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis v Bary [2022] EWHC 405 (QB) Psychiatry, 06. Rules and Regulations Topics: Right to respect for private, family and home life ECHR Article 8 Notification order
10 June Case Updates Re Q [2022] EWCOP 6 10. Records Assessments and Site Visits Topics: Bulimia nervosa Litigation capacity Capacity to refuse medical treatment
10 June Case Updates White, R. (on the application of) v Police Medical Appeal Board [2022] EWHC 385 (Admin) Psychiatry, Occupational health, 06. Rules and Regulations Topics: Police Pensions Injury benefits Orthopaedic surgery
10 June Case Updates Traylor v Kent and Medway NHS Social Care Partnership Trust [2022] EWHC 260 (QB) Psychiatry, 11. Report Writing, 15. Giving Oral Evidence Topics: Negligence Illegality defence Contributory negligence Osman duty
10 June Case Updates Tredget v R [2022] EWCA Crim 108 Psychology, Psychiatry, 06. Rules and Regulations, 10. Records Assessments and Site Visits Topics: Fitness to be interviewed Reliability Confessions Suggestibility Compliance