23 January Case Updates A demonstrably incapable and incompetent witness who was not fit to have been put forward as an expert witness Hot-tubbing, Chartered Building Surveyor, 06. Rules and Regulations, Northern Ireland, concurrent expert evidence, The Ikarian Reefer For surveyor experts, this case illustrates some very basic errors and it may therefore also be a useful case for expert surveyor witness training. McBride v McGuigan & Anor [2024] NIMaster 20
16 May Day in the life A Day in the Life of a Chartered Building Surveyor Expert Witness Expert Witness, Rod Appleyard, Chartered Building Surveyor, Project Manager, 01. Starting your Expert Witness Business, 04. Marketing, 15. Giving Oral Evidence Rod Appleyard has been practising as an Expert Witness for almost 28 years, specialising in the forensic investigation of fenestration and building envelope defects. He shares what led him to the Expert Witness field; his advice for starting out; and why volunteering in a war zone changed his outlook on work and life.
10 May Case Updates O v O [2023] EWFC 161 Expert evidence, Single joint expert, Questions to expert, Chartered Building Surveyor, 09. Being instructed as a Single Joint Expert, 12. Responding to questions A Single Joint Expert caused difficulties by an unwise pre-hearing exchange with one of the parties in the absence of the other party, and legal representatives.