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The Government of the United States of America v Assange (2020) Westminster Magistrates’ Court
Case Updates

The Government of the United States of America v Assange (2020) Westminster Magistrates’ Court

‘Those bloody books’


Relevance:            General



Topics:                   Extradition


                              Duty to court

                              Suicide risk

                              Autistic spectrum disorder

Mr Daniel Donovan, Naled Limited v Grainmarket Asset Management LLP [2020] EWHC 17 (Comm), 2020 WL 00129792
Case Updates

Mr Daniel Donovan, Naled Limited v Grainmarket Asset Management LLP [2020] EWHC 17 (Comm), 2020 WL 00129792

Relevance:       General



Topics:             Impartiality

                        Incorrect assumption

                        Change of opinion