17 March News Family Procedure Rules Consultation concerning the instruction of unregulated experts in family law children proceedings Family Law, Unregulated Experts, Family Procedure Rule Committee In recent years a range of stakeholders have raised concerns regarding unregulated experts providing evidence in family law court cases and the standard of the evidence they provide. The Family Procedure Rule Committee is consulting on new FPR 25.5A with the aim of requiring any expert instructed in family law children proceedings to be regulated. A key purpose of the changes is to ensure that any expert instructed in family law children proceedings has the appropriate skills and qualifications on which to base their expert evidence.
19 September News Family Procedure Rule Committee Consultation on New Draft Practice Direction 27A Expert reports, Family Procedure Rule Committee, 06. Rules and Regulations, Family Procedure Rules, Bundles The Family Procedure Rule Committee is consulting on a new draft Practice Direction 27A on court bundles.
10 July News Update on unregulated experts in children proceedings Unregulated Experts, unregulated psychologist, Family Procedure Rule Committee, 06. Rules and Regulations, Family Procedure Rules, Ministry of Justice, Children Proceedings The Minsitry of Justice intends to draft an amendment to the Family Procedure Rules regualting experts appointed by the court in both public and private law children proceedings.
30 April News EWI welcomes government action on unregulated expert witnesses family court, unregulated psychologist, Lord Bellamy, Family Procedure Rule Committee, 06. Rules and Regulations In a Parliamentary debate, Lord Bellamy, a Minister of Justice, noted the neeed for the Family Procedure Rule Comitttee to develop a solution to prevent unregulatd psychologists giving evidence in the Family Court.
24 November News Medical Experts in the Family Courts family court, Family Procedure Rule Committee, 11. Report Writing, 15. Giving Oral Evidence, 16. Criticism and Complaints EWI welcomes the final report and recommendations from the Family Division’s working group on Medical Experts in the Family Courts but raises continued concern about how these recommendations will be delivered.