7 August Case Updates When judicial criticism is unjustified Psychology, Autism, 16. Criticism and Complaints So many of the judgments summarised in this compendium are ones in which experts are criticised and there are lessons to be learned. What this judgment makes clear is that the first instance judge was wrong to have criticised Dr Matthews ("a very experienced child psychologist"). Yes, experts sometimes get it wrong and judicial criticism is justified. But judges can also get it wrong, in this case in their criticism of an expert. PP v JP & Ors [2024] EWHC 1697 (Fam)
8 August Case Updates Cusworth, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Justice [2023] EWHC 1281 (Admin) Psychology, Psychiatry, Autism, Risk assessment, HCR-20, Relapse Prevention Plan, Self-Harm, Respect, 11. Report Writing This judgment illustrates how expert reports which are properly prepared can assist a decision-maker without the need for oral evidence. It also shows how thoroughly the court will analyse expert evidence as to risk.
15 February Case Updates A Local Authority v AA [2020] EWCOP 66 Capacity cases, Psychiatry, Autism, 10. Records Assessments and Site Visits Relevance: Psychiatry Topics: Capacity Autism Asperger syndrome Auto-erotic asphyxia