Case Updates

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Wigan BC v Y (Refusal to Authorise Deprivation of Liberty) [2021] EWHC 1982 (Fam)
Case Updates

Wigan BC v Y (Refusal to Authorise Deprivation of Liberty) [2021] EWHC 1982 (Fam)

Relevance:      Psychiatry


Issues:             Deprivation of liberty

                        The nature of mental disorder

                        Mental disorder v the psychological consequences of trauma

                        ICD and DSM

Crosby v Wakefield MBC, Leeds County Court, unreported, 24 January 2020
Case Updates

Crosby v Wakefield MBC, Leeds County Court, unreported, 24 January 2020

Relevance:      General


Topics:            Independence

                        Change of opinion

                        Range of opinion

                        Criticism of a party’s legal team
