24 August Case Updates Bux v General Medical Council [2021] EWHC 762 Conflicts of interest, Statement of Truth, Medical records, Causal Analysis, Differential Diagnosis, Reasoning, 10. Report Writing, 11. Responding to questions Relevance: General Topics: Conflict of interest Statement of truth Medical records Differential diagnosis Causal analysis Reasoning
24 August Case Updates Towuaghantse v General Medical Council [2021] EWHC 681 (Admin) Conflicts of interest, Bias, Independence, Language, 10. Report Writing Relevance: General Topics: Bias Conflict of interest Language Independence
23 August Case Updates Kwikbolt Limited v Airbus Operations Limited [2021] EWHC 732 (IPEC) Expert's behaviour, 10. Report Writing, 07. Working with Instructing Parties Relevance: General Topic: Independence
23 August Case Updates R v Lall [2021] EWCA Crim 404, 2021 WL 01041724 Psychiatry, Sentencing, Hybrid order, Insight, 10. Report Writing Relevance: Psychiatry Sentencing Topics: Hospital order with restrictions Hybrid order Insight
23 August Case Updates Negus v Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust [2021] EWHC 643 (QB) Legal test, Negligence, Operative Surgery, 10. Report Writing Relevance: General Negligence Operative surgery Topics: Legal tests Cardiothoracic surgery
23 August Case Updates Gardiner v Tabet [2021] EWHC 563 (Ch), 2021 WL 00965862 Testamentary capacity, Psychiatry, 09. Records Assessments and Site Visits Relevance: Psychiatry Topics: Testamentary capacity
23 August Case Updates Fletcher v Government of India [2021] EWHC 610 (Admin) Extradition, Suicide risk, Psychiatry, 10. Report Writing Relevance: Psychiatry Topics: Extradition Suicide risk
23 August Case Updates Louis v The Home Office [2021] EWHC 288 (QB), 2021 WL 00542118 Causation, Psychiatry, Diagnosis, Taxonomy, Adjustment Disorder, Depressive illness, 10. Report Writing, 06. Receiving Instructions, 12. Experts Discussions and Joint Statements, 14. Giving Oral Evidence Relevance: Psychiatry Topics: Diagnosis Causation Taxonomy Adjustment disorder Depressive illness
23 August Case Updates A Local Authority v Mother 2021 WL 00781531 Psychiatry, Oral testimony, Diagnosis, 14. Giving Oral Evidence Relevance: General Psychiatry Topics: Oral testimony Diagnosis
23 August Case Updates PCP Capital Partners LLP v Barclays Bank PLC [2021] EWHC 307 (Comm), 2021 WL 00741982 Impartiality, Expert's behaviour, Oral testimony, 14. Giving Oral Evidence Relevance: General Topics: Oral testimony Impartiality