Day in the life of an Expert Witness

Our day in the life series provides examples of the kind of work undertaken by our members across a range of different professional backgrounds.

A Day in the Life of a Threat, Risk and Harm Consultant, Expert Evidence Trainer, and Expert Witness
Day in the life

A Day in the Life of a Threat, Risk and Harm Consultant, Expert Evidence Trainer, and Expert Witness

EWI Honorary Fellow Tony Saggers has been a drug trafficking Expert Witness since 1995, alongside a career in law enforcement that spanned 30 years. Formerly the National Crime Agency’s Head of Drugs Threat and Intelligence, he now runs a consultancy providing anti-organised crime strategy solutions, child safeguarding from criminal exploitation advice, and Expert Witness training. Here, he provides a glimpse into his long and varied career and explains the importance of impartiality, communication, and evolution in the Expert Witness field.