19 December 2023 Wiebke Morgan 1527 Helpline Q&A When and how can an expert withdraw from a claim? byWiebke Morgan Q: When and how can an expert withdraw from a claim? A: Giles Eyre, who is our trainer on Report Writng 2, has answered that question succinctly in an article written for our Corporate Partner, MAPS MEDICAL. See the article here: https://www.maps-medical.co.uk/insights/when-and-how-can-an-expert-withdraw-from-a-claim/ Share Print Tags expert witness practicehow to withdraw from a claimwhen to withdraw from a claim05. Rules and Regulations02. Setting Fees and Getting Paid06. Receiving Instructions Related articles Expert appoints herself as social worker, psychologist, therapist and judge T (Fresh Evidence on Appeal), Re [2024] EWCA Civ 1384 Is it within the remit of an expert to decide which witness of fact they believe or disbelieve? The dangers of a considerable burden of expert work Preliminary (pre-report) experts’ meetings Comments are only visible to subscribers.